Hiyoko Saionji | Wiki | Danganronpa Amino (2025)

Kanji: 西園寺 日寄子

Katakana: サイオンジ ヒヨコ

Talent: Ultimate Traditional Dancer

Gender: Female

Height: 130cm / 4’3”

Weight: 31kg / 68 lbs

Chest size: 25 in

Birthday: March 9

Star sign: Pisces

Status: Deceased (Victim)



Hiyoko Saionji is a female character who appears in the second Danganronpa game, Danganronpa: Goodbye Despair. She is killed in Chapter Three by Mikan Tsumiki, making her the fourth student to be murdered by a classmate.

In-Game, Hiyoko constantly patronizes others with rude insults and swearing. She mainly torments Mikan Tsumiki and Kazuichi Souda, as they are the easiest victims. In free-time events she asks Hajime Hinata for impossible tasks, showing she thinks very little of him. She didn’t form any positive relationships other than Mihiru Koizumi, who showed Hiyoko how to tie her kimono, which she was previously unable to do. Hiyoko went several days without showering, because she was unable to dress herself. When Mihiru helped her she became almost like an older sister figure for Hiyoko. With a positive influence like Mihiru, Hiyoko showed some character development.


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Hiyoko is a thin girl of only about 4 feet in height, resembling a grade school kid. Her height is even more surprising for while she thinks she is a freshman, she is really two years older than that. She believes she is a freshman as she had her memories erased by Monomi. Hiyoko seems to have long blond hair, but since it is kept in two high pigtails, the length isn’t certain. While her hair is in pigtails, it reaches just past her shoulders. Her bangs are styled in three pieces, two of them, one framing each side of her face, curling outwards. The other piece is directly on her forehead, and is styled in a single curl.

Hiyoko’s initial expressions can give off the impression that she’s innocent and childlike, but her expression dramatically changes whenever she torments someone. Hiyoko also cries a great amount, further adding to the feeling of childness about her.

Hiyoko wears an orange traditional furisode kimono with a white floral print. Her kimono goes down to her ankles, and the sleeves go to just past her wrists. Around her waist she wears a green obi sash which is secured with a bow in the back. On her feet she wears simple sandals with no socks.

Saionji’s splash art presents an alternate outfit, which might have been worn to her traditional dancing performances. Her performance clothing includes a pink kimono with gold flowers, as opposed to her usual orange and white outfit. Around her waist is another obi sash, but here it’s depicted as black and white with an intricate flower design to match her kimono. Her hair, usually in two pigtails, is tied up in one ponytail. Keeping her hair tied up is a detailed cat and flower decorative rope. While she doesn’t carry anything with her throughout the game, in her splash art she’s holding a wooden fan with a cat emblem depicted on it. Additionally, contrary to her in-game outfit, in the splash art she is seen wearing white socks but no shoes.


Hiyoko Saionji | Wiki | Danganronpa Amino (2)



Hiyoko's personality is somewhat of the typical bully. While she has tried some times to jab at Akane Owari, but realizes that since she is so gullible and not very responsive, she isn’t a fun target. She seems to feel a sense of superiority, and that other people only exist to serve her. She has often claimed that she doesn’t need friends. She frequently manipulates others to do her bidding, such as telling Akane to explore the motel on the third island, and bossing around Hajime during freetime events.

Hiyoko also has personality traits of the well known “brat”. She tends to cry every time she doesn’t get her way, and the others on the island aren’t ever sure if they’re genuine or fake tears. Even during the killing game, she continues to only eat candy and sweet things, as she had at her home. She refuses most of the candy at the convenience store because it isn’t “cute”. She easily switched from the tormentor role to the victim depending on the situation.

After chapter 2, Hiyoko attempts to change herself for the better, slowly becoming less hostile and insulting. She even ends up accepting Fuyuhiko’s apology for Mahiru and Peko’s deaths.


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Hiyoko was born to be the heiress to the Saionji Clan, the head of traditional Japanese dance. Her family was extremely overbearing, and had servants do literally everything for her, including dressing her. Due to this, Hiyoko doesn’t have much knowledge about life, so she would not be able to survive on her own, which is what her family intended. Hiyoko’s family forced this culture on her, including traditional dance. As a child, she would constantly suffer cruel and life threatening pranks due to her family’s importance. Some of these pranks included poisoned food, pins placed in her shoes, and dead mice being scattered on her bed.

Hiyoko was placed into this dangerous environment by her grandmother, who had taken her from her father. Hiyoko loved her father, who was very protective of her before her grandmother took her away. While her grandmother took her from her father, Hiyoko was grateful to her for raising her so well.

Before arriving at Hope's Peak Academy, Hiyoko never had any friends, and developed her mean nature to protect herself from bullies. While in Hope’s Peak Academy, she befriends Mahiro, Ibuki, Mikan and Sato. While at the Academy, they found a corpse in the music room, but didn’t report it to the police. The corpse that they found was later revealed to be the sister of Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, who was murdered by Sato. A few days later, Fuyuhiko kills Sato. This part of Hiyoko’s past is revealed in Monokuma’s second motive, “Twilight Syndrome Murder Case”.


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In The Killing Game

Hiyoko was the 6th to die in the killing game on Dangan Island after witnessing Mikan killing Ibuki, and Mikan killing her to silence her. Mikan had reverted back into a remnant of despair, and Ibuki, being gullible, was strangled by Mikan. Hiyoko was just at the wrong place at the wrong time, but Mikan ended up slitting her throat. Hiyoko wasn’t dressed when Mikan killed her, so she ended up dressing her afterwards.


Major Relationships

Mihiru Koizumi

Hiyoko’s family had always had everything done for her, so when Mihiru helped her learn how to tie her own kimono, Kiyoko began to see her as an older sister. Mihiru was also the first friend Hiyoko remembers having. She had other friends back in her time at Hope’s Peak, but her memories from that time were erased, making Mihiru seem like the only friend she ever had. In-game, Kiyoko refers to Mihiru as “Big Sis”. Mihiru was offstandish and embarrassed at first, but she grew accustomed to it as their friendship grew. Kiyoko claims to like Mihiro because she “isn’t weird” and “acts casual”.


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Mikan Tsumiki

Hiyoko quickly latches onto Mikan as the victim of her bullying because of her timid nature. She is constantly tormenting her in-game calling her names like “filthy pig” or “ugly bitch”. Hiyoko claims to bully Mikan because she believes Mikan tripping and the positions she falls into are for attention, which is somewhat true. Despite Hiyoko’s tormenting, Mikan is still fond of Hiyoko and tries to convince her that constantly eating candy is bad for her health. It can also be inferred that even with the way Hiyoko treated Mikan, Hiyoko was only killed because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time, not because Mikan despised her.


Hiyoko Saionji | Wiki | Danganronpa Amino (6)


ill be updating and working on this for a bit- all photos are from google- facts i used came from the wiki and the game itself-

post i used as reference for this

Hiyoko Saionji | Wiki | Danganronpa Amino (2025)
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